Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hilary Duff | Pregnant With Mike Comrie

Wow, das sind ja mal tolle Nachrichten! Hilary Duff, Schauspielerin und seit kurzem Schriftstellerin ( ihr erstes Werk heisst 'Elixir') erwartet ein Kind - von Ehemann Mike Comrie. Auf ihrer offizielen Website verkündete die 'Play With Fire'- Sängerin, das sie glücklich über den neuen Abschnitt in ihrem Leben ist und sich auf ihr erstes Kind mit ihrem Gatten freue. Alles Gute für Hilary! Für mich sehr erstaunlich, da ich sozusagen mit Hilary 'grossgeworden' bin und sie ständig in Lizzie McGuire gesehen habe!


Great news! Pop singer and actress Hilary Duff is pregnant! The 'Play With Fire' - singer is expecting her first baby with husband Mike Comrie. On her official web page she happily announced the exciting news and that she is super excited to begin this new chapter in her life. All the best for Hilary ! For me, it is quite exciting to hear this news, because I grew up watching 'Lizzie McGuire' and now seeing her with a baby, very cool!

Original Text from Hilary's Official Website
 Hello everyone! This weekend, Mike and I are celebrating our 1 year anniversary! In memory of the special day, we decided to post some of our favorite pictures from our wedding! I can’t believe it has already been a year, time really flies when you’re having fun! We also want to share the exciting news that BABY MAKES THREE!!! We are extremely happy and ready to start this new chapter of our lives. Thanks to everyone for the continued love and support throughout the years!”